
Tips to get traffic if you are stuck with new content or posts

November 23, 2015Apuroop

So, How do you maintain your blog’s traffic when you are not writing article for your blog?
Writing article for your blog is very much important and so you write one article and then you publish it! That’s all and think that now there is nothing to do and that’s the reason why you are seeing straight line in Google analytics or whatever analytics tool you use.Getting 1000 visitors is not a big thing! Generating 1100 from 1000 and generating 1200 from 1100 and so on is important. Currently, bloggers just write and publish article on their blog and then they go away from their blog for 2-3 days. So, I thought that this is good time to write this In-depth article.
Currently i am getting my traffic higher and higher due to the stuffs i do when i am not writing article for my blog. Even when i don’t write article for my blog, I get that much traffic and even higher! Might be you are facing something like when you post article, you get higher traffic and then on other days, you get very less traffic.
In this In-depth article, i will show you how you can maintain or even increase your traffic to get more revenue from your blog because more visitors means more revenue. Here are the stuffs i do when i am not writing article for my blog.

1. I answer questions on Quora

Quora is Ultimate website for questions and answers. In this site, anyone can ask questions and anyone can answer any question after getting registered on it. It is not a small site, It is huge and gets lots of traffic and also has potential to send you lots of traffic too!
Traffic from quora is targeted so you will get really converting visitors. Your niche doesn’t matter; you will get traffic for any niche. Let me show you how you can get traffic from Quora.
After getting registered for Quora, In search bar of quora, you have to search for related topic. In this case, i am going to search Speed up wordpress site because i have one article on that topic on my blog and want to get traffic on that article. After searching, I got this:
Searching best question on quora
Image credits : quora

So, Now i got right question to post answer with link back to my blog to get traffic. It is not like you just posted link to your blog only and expect traffic from quora. First of all, you have to explain something there otherwise your answer will get collapsed due to DownVotes.
If you will post only link back as a answer then you will only get downvotes. Let me show you how to answer questions on quora in right way.
 So, I answered this question for those who are looking for detailed answer by putting link in that answer at bottom. For those who don’t want to visit any article, will get right answer but not in detailed! So, If anyone want detailed answer then they will visit my site and i will get traffic from quora ðŸ˜‰ .
If you will only post only a link as answer then you will get down votes by those who don’t want to visit any site for answer. If your answer will get more down votes then your answer will be collapsed and will be hidden. So, by this way you can make quora as a traffic source of your blog.

2. Reading and commenting on other blogs

Reading other blogs is ultimate way to get some more knowledge as well as to get ideas for next article on your blog as well as targeted traffic to your blog. If you will comment on blog which is getting thousands of traffic in a day then you will also get much traffic by commenting effectively on that blog.
I read some blogs like Moz, QuickSprout and but i only comment on Quicksprout and as to comment on moz, we have to take membership so it is a source of some new ideas and knowledge.
If you will just comment as a sake to get backlink to your blog then you will not get traffic and moreover you will get nofollow backlink because now a days, almost all blogs are nofollow. So, Now a days most you can get from comment is just a traffic.
Recently I commented on Quicksprout’s one of the article which drove 94 visitors to my site. It is not bad for 1 comment because you can’t get even this much traffic from guest posting. 
So, by this way, you can comment on other blogs to get traffic o your site. If you will read other blogs then you will also get new ideas to write article for your blog.

3. Social media

What will increase your traffic day by day? Ofcourse social media. It’s simple, More followers and more influencing skills means more traffic to your site. I try new techniques to get followers on twitter as well as on facebook because both of his social media has much power to give you lots of traffic.
Recently I used some techniques and got more followers on twitter and as a result, I am now able to get traffic from my tweets. Its not a lot of traffic but its targeted! It will be increased by increasing number of followers on twitter.
Currently i am using some techniques by which i can increase number of followers. In 2 days, my number of followers came from 50 to 70. There are many techniques to get followers for twitter and for other social media sites also.
In free time or whenever you don’t write article for my blog, try to improve your social media presence which is very much important for long term.

4. Re-sharing articles

If you have social media presence then you can use this technique to get traffic to articles that were published before some days or months on your blog. If you have good number of followers on facebook and twitter then you can get traffic by re-sharing your article.
Many pro bloggers use this to maintain traffic on their site and I am too doing this. I am getting good results and you too can get! Whenever i get less traffic to my blog, i re-share article and get my traffic back! Mainly i get much traffic by re-sharing my article on Facebook and twitter.

5. Update old articles

There are actually 2 benefits of updating your articles, first is you will get traffic by telling others that it is updated with one more tip while resharing it. Second one is if you are ranking on the top of the second page then you might get position on first page.
So, updating your article really matters. If you are connected with me on facebook then you might know that whenever i update any article on my blog then i re-sharing it once by telling that it is updated. By this way i get much more traffic from social media as well as i secure my rank on first page if its on second.
Updating means not editing article, you have to add more content in your article. Whenever i am free, I update my old articles and maintain my blog’s traffic.

Conclusion : Try all this instead of relaxing just after publishing article on your blog. I do all this and get much benefit in maintaining article on my blog as well as i increase my traffic. When i started my blog, traffic was hell down but by using this techniques, Day by day, traffic on this site is increasing.
This techniques are really very useful and i am getting much benefit form this. If you have any questions in your mind then comment box is waiting for you and also share this with your friends if possible.
What do you do to maintain your blog’s traffic?

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  1. Hello sir,
    Its nice tips to get traffic. Thanks for sharing !

    Thanks and Regards,
    Object Oriented Concept and Principles

  2. It's good to hear from you. Please subscribe for more such tips. :-)


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