Make your new article listed on the search engines as soon as published

November 23, 2015Apuroop

Do you try very hard to optimize your articles for the search engine?
If yes, you might be struggling to rank on targeted keyword because, in most cases, one fails to rank for targeted keywords. You need to rank for the keyword from which you can get targeted traffic. It is not necessary that you need to rank on your targeted keyword only to get targeted traffic. You may get it from keywords having similar meanings too!
One more thing I want to inform you, don’t forget to optimize your article for your readers because they are the one for whom you are writing an article. Let me tell you that If you are targeting 1 high competition and high search volume keyword then don’t do it. Instead of that, target some Long tail keywords having medium search volume and less competition.
1. Target long tail keywords instead of short ones
An Advantage of doing thisTargeting long tail keywords  is you will get more targeted traffic as well as you will get traffic from other LSI keywords if you are targeting them also. Finally, you have to target Some long tail keywords in an article instead of one short keyword.
You will get Importance of long tail keywords after understanding this image:
keyword length vs conversation
Image credits : Idea overdose

As you can see, There is high Probability of conversation if you are targeting long tail keywords as well as there will be less competition to rank. In case of short keywords, You can see that there is  the less probability of conversation with the highest competition.
So, targeting some long tail keywords was/is/will be the best choice to get targeted traffic to your website with less competition. If you will optimize your article for long tail keyword then it will be easy to rank but if you are optimizing your article for head term or short keyword then it will be very hard to rank on that keyword.

One thing might shock you is it is not necessary to have any keyword density if you are targeting long tail keywords. You don’t need to enter your keywords anywhere forcefully to make it SEO friendly. Instead, you are making it worse because you are entering keywords Forcefully to get some number of keyword density.
This is the mistake I did in my career. Yes, I believe that keyword density affects the ranking a lot. You can see the image given below that how much keyword density works best.
Keyword density vs rankings
Image credits : Idea overdose
You can see that keyword density between 1.5%-2.75% is best to get highest rankings, but it also depends on the competition of keyword you are targeting. You will surely get higher rankings if you will insert your keywords naturally. It means that you have to enter that wherever it is necessary. You will not get good results if you will enter keywords forcefully in your article.
Keywords should be equally distributed in an article to make it User-friendly. It is not an important point but your user might get your content interesting by doing this.
Be sure you are using the targeted keyword once in Title and once in Meta description, yes you can add keywords in meta keywords also but if you want to rank on google because google doesn’t take meta keywords in consideration while ranking articles or pages in google.
Be Sure you are having your long tail keywords at these spots:
  • Heading
  • Content (Equally distributed)
  • Meta description
  • Meta keywords (For other search engines like Bing, yahoo)
Every time when I insert keywords at these spots, I get good results. Most of the articles on Ideasoverdose rank on long tail keywords by which I get targeted visitors who convert as subscribers.
The best ways to get Long tail keywords for any topic are as given below:

1. Uber suggest

Uber suggest is one of the best tools to get lots of long tails keywords. You just have to enter a short keyword in the box and that’s all. You will get long tail keywords as given below. In this case, I’ve entered “Long tail keywords” as a main keyword.
Long tail keyword suggestion by Uber suggest
Image credits : Idea Overdose
These suggestions are based on keyword + a and similarly, It will be for A to Z and 1-10 also if possible for the keyword you entered.

2. Google Related search

Do you know that google shows related searches whenever you search anything at the bottom of the page? If not then try now. In this case, I’ve entered “long tail keywords” as search and at the bottom of the page, I got this,
You can see here are some brilliant keywords and some new ideas to write an article as well as lots of long tail keywords. You will get 1-2 words more than what you enter in the search. It means that you can stretch any keyword as long as you want but be sure you are not targeting keyword having 0 search volume.
There are many more techniques and tools to get long tail keywords, but these 2 methods are just best. You can get as many long tail keywords as you want by using this method. It is more important that you write for search engine instead of writing to rank only.

2. Write for visitors too

Visitors are ones for whom you write articles. It means that if the user will like your article, you will get more traffic because those who liked your article are going to share it too! The social share has much importance in getting higher rank in google.
It means that if your articles are getting lots of social shares then you will rank higher in SERPs. Most of my articles get 30-40+ facebook shares and due to that, I get much traffic from facebook. Let us see that really social share affects rankings?
How social shares affect rankings
As you can see, Social media shares affect rankings. If you will get More Facebook shares, Facebook likes and Facebook comments, you will rank higher than those who get less. I’ve personally experienced this on
So, engage your reader and let them share your article on Facebook, Google+ as well as on twitter also. These 3 social shares affects the ranking a lot!
Nowadays, Search engine crawlers are very smart. Google’s crawlers and some algorithms can understand the meaning of any sentence or phrase. It means that they can understand what you are writing. If you will write something unique in your article related to the topic you are discussing, Google will like that content. It is same for visitors or users also because users are also looking for something unique on your site. If they will find something unique then you will get shares and shares will increase rankings.
Not only the shares but comments also affect the rankings a lot! You can think that Number of real comments on your blog is directly proportional to rankings. Getting higher number of comments on articles will make you rank higher in SERPs.
Articles on ideas overdose who got more number of comments are ranking higher in SERPs in comparison with one who got less comments.

3. Structure of Article

You might be wondering, What is the need of good structure as google is going to see the quality of the article only. Not at all my brother/sister. Google also check the structure of the article. Its like having H2 under H1, H3 under H2 and like these. You must have Lists and tables too if it is needed to explain anything.
Whenever you will see the structure of articles published on, you will find lists, tables and proper structure. I believe that I can rank higher by doing so.
I am not telling about this without experience and good reference. It is mentioned in google’s SEO beginner guide. Next time, be sure that structure of your article is perfect because it will help you to rank higher in SERPs.

4. URL structure

Do you know that google takes keyword found in URL in consideration while ranking any article? Yes, It is. If you will have article with simple URL structure moreover for every article, you will get higher ranking if your keyword will be included in URL. The best URL structure according to me is,
It is recommended to have URL length under 100 characters in total. If URL has less then 100 characters and contains keyword in it then there are more chances to get higher ranking in SERPs.
Let me explain you by taking an simple example. For instance, I have article with title “How to get more backlinks for long term blog”. Targeted keyword for this article is “Backlinks for long term blog”. Then, the URL containing only keyword will rank higher then URl containing whole title in URL. For example (I provided some dummy url for explanation)
Higher rankings –>
Lower rankings –>
It is because google will ignore ending part of URL which is more then some limit in characters. It is always recommended to keep URL under 100 characters.
So, keep your keywords in URL of your article and also make sure it is under 100 characters. One of the article on this blog is ranking on #1 just because it has Exact keyword in URL. Keyword is just used 1 time in content and it is 1800 words long article.
Conclusion : Yes, We have to write article for our readers but we also need ranking for that article on specific keyword to get constant flow of traffic to that article. So, we need to optimize our article for search engines. The techniques, Tips and advises given in this article works 100%.
Actually, I don’t believe in keyword density because I know that it is possible to rank by using other techniques also given in this article like URL structure, Article structure, Long tail keywords and much more. I am sure you will see positive results after applying this techniques on your blog. Hope you liked this article, Share it with other bloggers to on social media to help me spread the word and comment down the questions if you have any.

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