
A perfect solution to get more comments on your blog

November 23, 2015Apuroop

Whenever we write and publish article on our blog, we expect good number of traffic and comments on it because we worked very much hard on it. I know how it feels when no one cares about your content because I faced the same problem. I used to work for hours in writing a content but no one cares. In this guide, I will show you techniques by which you can increase number of comments on your blog posts.

If you read every article on this blog then you know that I post only the techniques that worked for me. Today, i will post some techniques which worked for me too increase number of comments.The blog I sold, was first getting only 10-15 comments a month, Then i started focusing on increasing number of comments and I tried many techniques for it. By using this techniques, i got 2x comments on second month and 4x comments on third month.

There are some techniques that worked fine for me and which is explained in detail in this guide, Let us start with first one,

1. Ask questions to readers

This is the best and effective way to increase number of comments on your blog posts. I used this and this worked for me. Mainly try to ask questions at a end of article because if you will ask questions in middle or top of the article because while reading from top to bottom, user may forget that question and he will not come back to see that what was the question.

So, ask questions at a end of the article. Don’t ask close ended questions. Close ended questions means a question for which answer can be given in only yes or no. For example, Do you like blogging? this will not work but you will ask open ended questions like What do you use to increase number of comments? then this will work because answer of this question can’t be given in yes or no.
As a another example, if i am writing article on increasing social media traffic then at the end of the article, i will ask that which technique do you use to increase social media traffic?. This technique is effective to increase number of comments on articles.

2. Top commentators widget

This is common trend to increase number of comments but this can increase number of comments if it is used perfectly only. For example, if you are getting 10 comments a month then if you will show top 10 comment authors in sidebar then in next month also you will get 10 comments only. You have to work smartly. I am showing you how number of monthly comments on my old blog came from 16 to 90+ in 2 months.
I used to get 16-17 comments per month which was not a good thing for my blog and for me because i love comments. I feel happy when my articles get good number of comments. After adding top commentators widget in sidebar, i thought that competition must be higher to get more number of comments and finally I decided to show only top 5 comment authors in sidebar.
I got results and in second month(first month of adding top commentator widget) i got 30-40+ comments. It was a great start. Then i again increased competition and in third month, number of comments were 60-80+ and this way i increased my number of comments from 16 to 90+ in 2 months.
This plugin is available in wordpress plugin directory and here is the link for it. You can also increase using this plugin if you will work smartly.

3. Comment on other blogs

If you regularly read blogs then you should comment there. If you will comment on active blogger’s blog like enstine muki then you will also get a comment back from him and that is for sure. I tried this and by commenting on other blogs i also got back a comment.
If you will comment on very much popular blogs whose owner can’t be seen commenting you will not get a comment back. You have to select that blogs whose owners comment on other blogs also. You can increase number of comments using this also.

4. Make attractive and appealing title

Yeah, you will not believe but this the the most best technique to boost up number of comments. You might be knowing that before some time, I created one guide to get lots of backlinks for event blog and that gone viral because of its title and stock photo.
Finally, I got 64 comments in single post including replies by me. Yes, that single article got that much comments. It is because it has very attractive title and its unique content. You can also increase number of comments by using this technique. Let me show you how.
When i was writing article on getting backlinks for event blog. At first, i selected a heading “How to get backlinks for event blog” but it was very common looking. At a same time i saw that i got 5000+ backlinks using techniques i was going to discuss in that article. So, new heading i selected was “How I made 5,000+ Backlinks in 30 days for event blog” which was very attractive and appealing by which, that article got this much comments.

5. Tell your readers to comment

Yes, tell your visitors to comment. This is my personal experience and i tried this as a experiment since some articles. If you are regular reader of this blog then you will find something like “If you have any questions running in your mind or just want to say thanks for this article then comment below”.
Because of that, i get good number of comments compared to article who doesn’t contain that sentence. It is very good to ask for comments to get more number of comments. This one is recommended by many bloggers and after trying, I also recommend this.

6. Case studies and personal experience works!

Yes, you should mark that if you will share your own personal experience or if you will share case studies then you will get more number of comments without doing anything. 
 I believe that google+ shares and tweets are less but instead of that, facebook shares are higher.
So, if you will start posting case studies on your blog then you will see increase in number of comments gradually. So, start posting it why are you waiting…

Conclusion : So, According to my personal experience this techniques worked best for me. There are many other techniques also to increase number of comments but this techniques are very effective. I got good results because of this and this will give results to you also. If you liked this article then you can share this and also if you have questions related to this topic or just want to thanks, just comment below. I will solve your questions…

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