
All the things to know about heat map

November 23, 2015Apuroop

Visitors are god for us because we earn money only because of them. In blogging language, If your bounce rate is less then your god is happy for you. Do you ever thought about their behaviour on your site like mouse clicks and mouse movements? If you can know that which part of your site gets most clicks or most engagement then it can make big changes which will be discussed later in this article.

What is Heat map?

By Using heatmap, you can know that which part of your site gets most engagement or most clicks. Heatmaps are generated by recording clicks on any page of site for some time. It is somewhat hard to understand with text, So here is Heatmap example,So, this is the heatmap of one site and you can see that the links in right sidebar has maximum clicks. There are also 2-3 other parts in site which as many clicks like 4 links beside site name.In heatmaps, red color indicates very high number of clicks while blue color or no colour indicates very less number of clicks or no clicks.
Heatmap can be generated for any website or blog but main drawback is heatmap generators are paid like Crazy Egg. There is one Heatmap generation tool which is free but it is in beta version. I am going to share its link to get registered on it. Let us take one more heat map example of first page of google search.
Google search page example
You can see that there are maximum clicks on first two results of google search page. You can see that triangle which has maximum clicks and that triangle is also known as The golden triangle. It means that if your site is ranking on 1st position or 2nd position on any keyword then you will get maximum visitors who are searching for that.
Heatmaps will also tell you about bad permorming aresa of your site. For example, if you have image which is not linked anywhere and your visitors are clicking on that means that they need some action when they click on that image. By this way, you can enhance your users experience by improving this type of areas.

Benefits of Heatmaps :

There are many benefits of tracking your user’s behaviour on your site. Like I said just above this that if anyone is clicking on image which is not hyperlinked then your visitors wants some action. One more thing that can be done by using heatmap is it can increase your revenue also.
For example, if some part of your site is getting clicks but there is nothing special in that part then you can place advertisement code which maybe a adsense ad code. After placing code, your clicks will be converted into Dollars.
If you want to place subscription form on your site then after getting information from your website heatmap, you can know that which part is best to place sign up form to get more subscribers.
After studying your heatmap, you can remove content or you can make your site’s paart clean which is not getting good attention even after placing good stuff there.

Free and paid Heatmap Generation tools :

Majority of the Heatmap Generation tools are Paid and you have to pay a lot for heatmaps as they tell you about the behaviour of your visitors on your site. We saw some heatmap examples also.
Hotjar –  (Free) – Hotjar is the best and free heatmap generator tool by which you can get your heatmaps to enhance your site and your visitor’s experience. I am going to try this heatmap tool as i saw Heatmap examples created by this tool on google. They are good and you canSign up here.
CrazyEgg (Paid) – CrazyEgg is more more expensive nor free. Its basic plan starts at 9$ per month and will give you heatmaps daily of 10 active pages on your site. I havn’t tried it but its good.
Mouseflow – (Paid) – Mouseflow is also paid heatmap generator and they give 30 days money back gurantee and has basic plan of 19$ a month.

Conclusion – It is very good for your site to use heatmap because you can get very much good information about your site’s performance. Heatmap Generators also provides recordings of your user’s session on your site. I am going to use Hotjar – link for my blog because its free and best. So, If you have any questions regarding this in your mind then you are free to comment your question below.

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